Rome total war spain

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The most famous slingers of the ancient world were those of the Balearic Isles. They can 'reload' faster than most archers, but are even more vulnerable against any kind of close combat troops. Slingers perform a similar role to archers and skirmishers their attack differs in method rather than in result. They are fairly useless in melee combat, and should not be subjected to it. They can also be useful for acting as a distraction to the enemy, to lure them into an ambush, or to create a diversion by attacking some target.

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Much like the Roman velites, skirmishers are restricted to peppering the enemy with long-range javelins before the actual battle commences. Peasants should be used as an absolute last resort, or in cases where funds are extremely short. They are cheap to train, however, and their one advantage is an ability to hide well. Poorly armed and with little military experience, their morale and discipline are both understandably low.

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The last option of any desperate army (except perhaps slaves or convicts), peasants are good for increasing your numbers.and not much else.